i've switched to nekoweb! my neocities page will soon redirect to my nekoweb website :] also got rid of the dividers :(( i had to get rid of them so that i could implement the new article positioning!
happy (late) new year! i finally changed the site button, so make sure to get the new code! i was thinking of doing a weekly kandi thing? let me know what you all think! until next update...
well hey there! seems like the website had a layout change again eh? i learned how to use css grid! the updates are on the homepage!! also album of the week!! hoping to make a new site button soon cuz current one is crappy..
changed navigation position and style! added a "back to top?" redirect on graphics page!
added icons to the graphics page!
woah!! the graphics page is done!!! go check it out!!
site button!! and some cool sites in the footer i suggest you check out!!
ooo new color!! and a new background!! new guestbook button too!! the graphics page is still a work in progress but i hope to have it done soon! stay tuned!
redesign!! now the updates simply have a spot over here :] not mobile friendly now, but maybe soon :p blog page will now be used for life updates as well! (graphics page coming soon!!)
woo!! update 2!! i made the site mobile friendly!! i plan on adding things to the side but idk what yet :p let me know what you guys think!!
hey! well, this is the first update, so i don't know what you expect.. but i'll mainly use this page as an update log for the site, but i will also update on my life from time to time. stay tuned!